The Director of Health Services (FW), Assam is responsible for implementing the centrally sponsored National Family Welfare Plan Scheme in the State of Assam.
The main objective of the Family Welfare Program are:
The following components under the Family Welfare Program are financed by Government of India.
There are 18 (eighteen) ANM Training Centres under Health & Family Welfare Department. At each centre candidates having HSSLC passed certificate are imparted. ANM Nursing to be conducted by the Assam State Nursing Council. The successful ANM trainees are appointed against vacant post of ANM at Health Institutions under this Directorate after observing necessary formalities like Advertisement/ conducting selection test etc.
There is one LHV Training Centre at Chabua in the district of Dibrugarh for imparting six month course LHV Training for in service ANM and successful LHV Trainees are promoted to the vacant post of LHV after observing necessary formalities.
Under this Directorate there is one Health & F.W. Training Centre at Khanapara for imparting in service training for Doctors/ Nurse etc. under different subjects.
There is an Offset Press at Hedayatpur, Guwahati-3 under this Directorate in which printing works of IEC Format etc are done.
There are 4399 (four thousand, three hundred & ninety nine) nos. of Rural F.W. Sub- Centres in the State against each sub- centre there is a sanction post of ANM and against 6 (six) Sub- Centres there is a provision of 1 (one) post of LHV.
The Sub- Centres with the services of ANM/LHV are responsible for implementation of Family Welfare Programs like Immunization, Maternity & Child Health Program in rural areas.
There are 146 (one hundred forty six) nos. RFWC (M/C) in the State. There is 1 (one) sanctioned post of Sr. Medical & Health Officer, 1 (one) U.D. Asstt., 1 (one) Block Extension Educator, 1 (one) Computer and 1 (one) ANM against each RFWC (M/C). The objective of the RFWC (M/C) is to implement MCH/ Immunization Program in their respective periphery area in the district of Assam.
There are 19 (nineteen) nos. of Urban Health Centres in the State. There is 1 (one) ANM against each Urban Health Centre and 1 (one) Medical & Health Officer-I against Urban Health Centre. The objective of Urban Health Centres is to implement immunization & MCH Program in their respective urban area in the State.
There are 35 (thirty five) nos. of Post Partam Centre in the State. The subjective of the PPC are to take case of the new born babies at the Post Partum Centre.
There are 25 (twenty five) nos., of maternity centres in the State. Maternity centres are to provide services towards maternal health as well as the new born babies at the respective areas of the maternity centres.
The State Health Transport Organization situated at Narengi, Guwahati-71 with its Zonal Office at Jorhat is responsible for maintenance and repairing of F.W. vehicles & Refrigerator machine etc.
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